Meditation positions: Become an expert! | Maaji
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Have you felt that when you scroll on your cellphone, your brain goes into a zombie-like automatic state and you end up physically and mentally exhausted once you lock your screen? It happens to all of us! Don´t worry, there´s a very mindful solution you can acquire – using a variety of meditation positions.

The problem is that, while connected to our screens, we disconnect from our reality. One of the easiest ways to reconnect with our present and return to our bodies —which you may have heard before— is meditation.

Meditating is one of the most holistic activities that exist. Some of the benefits of meditations to you are (and this is backed by science):

  • Regulate stress by controlling blood pressure
  • Reduce muscular tension
  • Stimulate memory
  • Improve mood and sleep
  • Strengthen self-esteem 

Now the big question: How to start meditating? As in everything, practice makes perfect, so it´s important to take baby steps and raise the level gradually.

Today we bring you a practical guide to learning meditation positions and improving your day-to-day mental health.

1. Lying meditation positions

Prone meditation positions can be carried out for 5–10 minutes in bed. Lie down on your back with your torso and palms facing the ceiling.

Be careful not to fall asleep unless you’re planning on taking a restful nap! In this position, you can stretch your body well while connecting with your breath and bodily sensations.

2. Meditate while moving

Maintaining a creative mind is essential for our bodies, so meditating in movement can be an option for those who have “restless feet”.

First, choose an activity that makes you feel calm and “in the zone” (like walking, swimming, or eating). Then, stay 100% focused while doing it, considering how it feels to move your body. This can promote body awareness, which boosts the benefits of movement as well!

Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is a very popular meditation trend that consists of eating “consciously”.

It reinforces the idea that we can do anything by connecting with what we do in the present. For this technique, it is a plus to have healthy fruit snacks on hand if you want to start your day recharging yourself with pure vitality. Chewing mindfully is also great for your digestion and lowers stress levels.

3. Sitting meditation positions

The most common —but not the easiest— of all positions is in last place since it is the one that requires more experience, especially if we don´t have the right position.

To start, sit on the floor with your legs bent in a flower shape or with your feet flat on the floor. Then, lengthen your spine and put your hands on your knees.

This is a way to connect with the ground since you let the energy flow through you. When you finish, you can prepare a fancy breakfast to celebrate your achievement and continue your morning routine.

There are apps that can guide you while you cultivate the habit of meditating while sitting.

Enhance your meditation positions

Remember that there is no better position than another, and that consistency, not being “perfect” at meditating, is the marker of success. Follow these extra tips for good practice:

  • Find a quiet place free from third-person distractions.
  • Choose versatile clothing. With Maaji you can feel safe and comfortable meditating.
  • Concentrate on your breathing.

Remember that meditating is one of the best morning routine ideas!

Bibliographic References

  • Moneo, L. (2022, September 22). Mindful Eating. Webconsultas, Revista de salud y bienestar.
  • Mayo Clinic (n.d.) Meditation: A simple and fast way to reduce stress.
  • Robles, M. (2023). The 5 best positions to meditate sitting. Makaranda Yoga Escuela Online.
  • Elorza, V. (2022, August 20). 7 positions to meditate (and how to put them into practice). Psicología y Mente.
  • Sovik, R. (2023). Find the perfect position to meditate. Yoga International.
  • Go Fit (2021, July 1). 4 best postures to meditate.
  • Puramente (2023). Positions to meditate: 7 steps to meditate without pain.
  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition (2023, June 14). Eight different meditation positions: The best ways to meditate.
  • Haleluiya, O. (2021, July 24). 5 positions to meditate comfortably: choose yours Cuerpomente.